Unusually speedy turn around time. I’m back with more … because the action is beginning to heat up to a ‘fever pace.’ Don’t want to get caught behind… the phony news cycle!
In the next 30 days major chaos can be expected. Never mind stale news like - October Surprises - I’m talkin MAJOR… like END GAME type of stuff.
During that time when I was still pursuing contact with folks back in the fallen lands - circa the period 2018 till the arrival of the kovid psyop - early 2021 say… I made some late comments on my site BARBAROUS RELIQUARY, directed at those who had been readers of my work but without intent to absorb or act upon any of it’s implications. Finding one of those little snippets today seems synchronous to the theme explored herein … since even then, though it was far to soon to see the outlines of what this horror story psyop of the past four years would bring, I was clearly saying goodbye to the impenetrably dense, who still lingered online in hope of stumbling upon some redemption from their fate. Impenetrably dense? And yet, those readers were the most perceptive of all … they had come to my space with the sense of being given the bare truth… at last!
But in the end, I had realized that then - like now - all the reader really desired was a bit of ‘entertainment’ … to help while away the days
so when I cooked up this final post from the soon to be abandoned site - I knew it was no time to ‘mince words’….
and finally - [SEE END OF POST]
now… three years later, nothing has changed - the zombie ghosts still hang around online(see below)chattering away in vain hope of ‘spooking out’ some small redemption. So… it’s time for the nightmare to begin - in earnest.
First, let’s plunge back in to the ongoing investigation into the fate which awaits ye’s…
World’s First Genetically-Edited Pig Kidney Transplant into Living Recipient Performed at Massachusetts General Hospital
and then when caught up there… we can spend a moment examining just how those “interminably dense’ still while away those few precious hours left them… in games of oneupmanship and bradaggio!
Weymouth man who had experimental pig kidney transplant has died
back to the drawing board? Nope - full speed ahead. Those hundred of millions of $ being poured into projects like ROTHBLATT’S UNITED THERAPEUTICS PIG FARMS are not gonna go to waste - believe me!
Design and testing of a humanized porcine donor for xenotransplantation
Please note - I’m not making any of this up - this link for instance is THEIR wording… not mine!
do you see how it works? the Project moves in BOTH DIRECTIONS …bring humans closer to the status of pigs… while moving pigs closer to the status of ‘humans.’ The convergence? You prolly don’t wanna know! But… I’ll be back…with moar, anyways!
I’m leaving off the porcine portion there… and moving on to the interesting experiment of yesterday now.
The Replicon Agenda: Another Dose Of Bioterrorism?
The showtime starts here - with a character going by the avatar psychoNWO - who’s commentary is of the kind I came to recognize some years before… intense pastiches of new agey gobldey-gook packaged up so as to overwhelm the unwary with a memetic frenzy.
psychoNWO Oct 5 \guys so painfully close to the truth, he can ‘smell it’…but his mind is steered clear of any such noble intent of disclosure… and yet another lackey of the puppetmasters is born! Such is the ‘life’ of unwitting “Nwo Golems!”
Having become acquainted with the general direction of this commentary from previous Anna posts where his commentary featured, I was struck by the way in which the fellow lifted extremely dated theories from the work of a deceased judaic writer of the 60s/70s in order to make claims about the current KOVID KAPER which had little or nothing to do with any recognizable medical content.
And since the claims themselves centered around themes which I knew involved ACTUAL research by ACTUAL parties working for and within the USA military structure from that same era, I put forwards on this post the thoughts I’d kept to myself on the previous, so as to see if the party would take them as a useful augmentation of his theme - or treat it as ‘challenge/threat’ to his tsunami of balderdash!
Result was interesting, if predictable in many ways….
And where does all that leave us?
No more beating around the bush… no more doubt about it!
ALL - repeat ALL sources of ‘information’ about the past phase of the phony pandemic are now tainted - because the authors of said ‘information’ are ALL disseminated disinformation designed by their ‘mind-controllers’ to further inculcate in the reader/victim acceptance of their fate as willing sacrificants … to the SLAY MAN PROJECT.
Secondly… the bulk of the disinfo is designed to obfuscate the actual course of that NEXT PHASE of the same PROJECT… by which the dumbed down people of the wester world will be slowly but implacably turned into NON-HUMAN entities without capacity to think or act using free will or reason.
Every day in every way… in other words…
YOU are getting closer to your destination - of becoming a dehumanized creature fulfilling the revengeful fantasies of a clique of supremacists who believe that this earth belongs to them and them alone. Like our ‘nwopsycho’ buddy, the capacity to think or act of one’s own free will has been removed from ye’s - surreptitiously - so that even the most perceptive among ye’s now act as nothing more than moutpieces for the puppetmasters.
And it never need have happened.
Just saying NO to kabbalist-talmudic terror against the innocent would have sprung you from the trap. But that was then …
and this
is now. For those who lingered too long in the fallen lands of the west.