Precession of Simulacra - the New Tenochititlan
the piece from 2009 that told the story of 2024 and beyond
At a certain point this spring I realized that the earliest work that I produced on the web was by far the best; it straddles the period just before I left the west for good, and the adjoining interval thereafter - when I had started into my new life among the Muslim folk and the steep learning curve to follow had not yet kicked in.
The piece I’m republishing below wasn’t the first of that sequence of scribblings, but I count it as probably the most important; it precedes my later in depth study of kabbalism and the nature of it’s curse upon the west, but it had the core understanding down well. The people of the west were to be doomed to suffer for the continued crimes of talmudic kabbalism against the peoples of the Muslim world - by means of a necromantic magic system developed to ‘offload’ the consequences of criminal acts onto another party who thereby becomes the victim or ‘patsy’ of the evil doers.
In a nutshell, that’s all anyone really needed to know in the west. That they were loaded down by baggage accumulated by somebody else; the baggage was complicity in the crimes committed by kabbalist talmudism ‘in the name of’ “western democracies,” and failing a concerted effort to undo that magical act of transference, each and every westerner would be doomed to suffer the consequences for those criminal acts.
It’s now FIFTEEN YEARS since I wrote that text. And only now will it begin to prove out unmistakably as a true enunciation of what was then a preventable tragedy but now an unstoppable train wreck. But in the interval, the minds of most westerners have been so clouded - indeed - ‘dumbed down’ that it’s likely few will even see it all come true before their eyes.
This is just for the record now. It’s far to late for anything to change or be avoided. The copy I’ve used here is a reprint of the original done in 2014, after a retelling of the horror of ABU GHRAIB. All of kabbalisms crimes will be borne by the western people - it’s unfortunate but … like the title says -
The Death of Innocence (the peril of Innocents)
Posted on April 30, 2014
It appears that April 28 was an anniversary of sorts. Though not of the sort one would celebrate. In this very thought provoking piece Karen Greenberg manages to encapsulate the steady downwards progress in moral legitimacy which the 10 past years have witnessed in the West. From waterboarding civilians to invading whole countries in order to smash their infrastructure and openly plunder their resources. In an increasingly brutalized world, the default assumption of those who view these developments – whether with approval, disbelief, or dissent – appears to remain that somehow - the CONSEQUENCES – OF THIS SERIAL BUTCHERY- will remain unapplied.
It is my opinion that, quite to the contrary, the consequences of being complicit to[please read that to mean expressly...anyone not specifically IN OPPOSITION TO] these heinous crimes against humanity are already being played out in the lives of “innocent” citizens of all those those western countries of the “NATO” alliance.
Somehow, all of this must have sunk into my consciousness, as just prior to the events’ 10th anniversary, of which I had not known previously… I managed to place inside of a comment here… the very strange[ly it turns out] statement “WE ARE ALL “ABU GHRAIB” NOW!” Scary. -[edit:2024 - probably even scarier now… that it’s way too late for anyone left behind in the benighted west to absolve themselves from the complicity so well laid out in the following piece -
In honor of that bizarre synchronicity I present for your review here now, an older piece from a previous site of mine, which seems redolent of new meaning as we watch the western satrapies LURCH towards another war… perhaps the big WW3 itself…
as a way of explaining to those few who might understand…
there is no innocence in ignorance. Yes, it’s that bad. Without further ado – this – from 2010.
Precession of simulacra – the new Tenochititlan
Photo: Victims of Nato airstrike –Afghanistan – a trench that snakes it’s way west
Some time in the middle 1980’s, a French academic by the name of Baudrillard published a work called Simulacra and Simulation.
Jean Baudrillard had been a professor at Nanterre University at the time of the 1968 student strikes. In the aftermath of the failure of the student-worker alliance to catch fire and complete a revolutionary putsch, largely due to the refusal of the French Communist party to ally with the ‘new left,’ Baudrillard, like so many of his time, was devastated, adrift, feeling the weight of being attached to a cause whose time had come and gone.
Far more ably than most of his contemporaries, Baudrillard took up the challenge of reinventing himself, shearing old allegiances, to Marxism, sociology, to the university itself. Baudrillard was at the time of the books’ publication a rising star in those circles of the European and American intelligentsia which identified with the French postmodernist philosophers, his name mouthed in the art world, as well as the departments of sociology almost as a talisman of hipness. Possessed of a nature by which he cannily managed to be coy, insightful and self-advertising at the same time, behind the mask of dazzling rhetoric loomed a gleaming intellect which had a capacity to penetrate to the core of things in such iconoclastic manner as to break bonds with all or almost all the disciplines from which he had come.
That should suffice as background. What matters most is that whatever the tools of analysis Baudrillard applied to the study of both history and society, his conclusions were starkly discordant with the prevalent weltanschauung of the whole of Euro-Amerikan culture – including even his ‘core audience’ and greatest supporters – the art world. After the “1st Gulf War” which he presciently declined to regard as a ‘war,’ but rather, the first totally media-driven agit-prop simulation event – (see his The Gulf War Did Not Take Place-1991) -he fell out of favor in the west faster than a pallet of “hard” rice dumped out of the back of a C-47 without a chute.
As ‘collateral damage’ to the downgrading of Baudrillard from the western world’s most prescient oracle to most irascible irritant, Amerika(and it’s allies) lost contact with the only real time commentary on it’s collision with fate – a tragedy already accurately outlined from the days of his “Fatal Strategies,” in which he outlined “the precession of models, the precession of simulacra to things themselves, whose apparition they conjure up in a different mode,” and thereby gave us a picture of what would be America transforming itself from the new world utopia into a very oldschool style Aztec/Ameriktech mode of empire, the pyramid of it’s currency now clearly imaging the steps of the sacrificial cult of blood offerings, capped by the all seeing eye of ‘market forces’/the gods.
This is not to say that even Baudrillard could understand his own prophetic visions completely. When he wrote in his America(1988) “Deep down, the US… is the only remaining primitive society… a society inhabited by a total metasocial fact with unforeseeable consequences, whose immanence is breathtaking, yet lacking a past through which to reflect on this, and therefore fundamentally primitive. …Its primitivism has passed into the hyperbolic, inhuman character of a universe that is beyond us, that far outstrips its own moral, social, or ecological rationale”…he foresaw but could not foretell the coming apocalyptic transformation of America into Aztec/Ameriktech. How could he have, given his self proclaimed adherence to the gnostic manichean vision instead of the old testament vision of the prophets? The gnostics saw our world as fundamentally flawed from it’s creation – while we in fact inherited a garden of eden which has required much time and effort to turn into an incipient realm of hell.
Future Primitive. I was in Mexico at the time of the 1st Amerikan assault on Iraq- for the first time watching the new live time CNN spectacle media from a bar in the sleepy surf town of Puerto Escondido. Perhaps for that reason it is not a great reach for me to ‘reimage’ those troops sent forth from the imperial center as spear wielding(insert phallic imagery/drone missle here) auxiliaries of a new Aztec Empire assembled by a post modern Amerika in search of gods to appease and the sacrificial victims to appease them with. If the images of chemically incinerated and/or bulldozed and entombed still alive Iraqi soldiers never made it to the screens of a jubilant Amerika, could that mean that those events ‘never happened?’ No. Not really. If hundreds of thousand of Amerikan soldiers present in the same zone suffered permanent disability from toxic compounds and decayed uranium injected/launched upon them by their own command, will the continued suppression of that information mean it never happened? No. Not yet. It simply means that Amerikans would still need much time to become conditioned to seeing their own used as sacrificial fodder by the new priestly caste[insert blood-dripping apron image here]. But the stored up guilt of complicity in all these actual events Baudrillard brilliantly theorized was recirculated as the energy driving the motors of society after it had been stripped of meaning(and actual power of producing real goods) by the influx and oversupply of information. Guilt, repressed awareness of the horrors which have occurred around us, the motors of the “new economy.” Circulation and ‘gift exchange’ with the societies on the peripheries of the Empire. Let’s examine how this has played out.
By the time of the “2nd Gulf War” Baudrillard, like just about everybody else, had got it all wrong. In the aftermath of 9-11, it was almost an unavoidable temptation for him to indulge his rhetorical genius in painting a picture of the twin towers as symbol of empire to which the shadowy “muslim terrorists” were attracted like bees to honey, in an implacable contest of symbolic ‘gift exchange’ with the west. How could he have known that there was no muslim terrorist movement, only a CIA false flag set up that operated, under Israeli inspiration and control as a lever by which the simulacra of ‘democracy’ would slowly, slyly be inserted as a mask over the face of the statue of liberty, bit by bit transposing itself over every facet of life in North Amerika until the very ability of it’s inhabitants to distinguish between freedom and fascism would be extinguished. He should have studied his own work. Perhaps, he was too humble in his extravagant arrogance.
If I am not mistaken though, Baudrillard was the first to identify the face of postmodern terrorism – not a be-scarfed Arabic looking man with a semi-automatic, but the cool, faceless mirrored terror of a western world committed to suicide by gift exchange. A nightmare the west have been living, and dying, by small cuts, ever since 9-11. Giving up liberties in exchange for “securities.” What a snow job[couldn't resist a dig at the warmists-must be tough right now pushing the "settled science" as the west lies buries under record cold!] The latest false flag inside job attack, the 12/25 Detroit incident signalled that, post Copenhagen, the simulationists were on the offensive again – either through desperation or from confidence, I know not which.
In it’s aftermath, I made, from the safety of my Asian exile, a couple of forays into cyberspace with public pleadings for those still mentally fit to read the menu in front of them and see that they were on it. Nothing. Nobody. It’s almost as if, from this far away distance, I’m reading about a North Amerika, about North Amerikans, going about their daily business as usual, untroubled by the fact that both they, and it (their countries) have disappeared and no longer actually exist, having already been swallowed up by the simulations which have replaced them.
So how does it go now, now that Amerika has given up all the hard-won wisdom accumulated from it’s previous defeat in south-eastern Asia, and returned, once again to built an empire of sand in the Asia quagmire? Well as all those innocent civilians get wiped, there is a kind of reverb effect. Not only is it costing millions of dollars a day to kill those people and protect the opium crops, the fact that Amerika no longer has those millions of dollars to it’s credit to be spent anyway means that the nonexistent capital used to kill real people is going to come from somewhere else – that’s correct – from Amerikans themselves. Their intellectual capital, their moral capital, dwindled already so low as to elect a War President dedicated to maintaining Guantanamo Bay until such time as conditions are ripe to export it right into the “Homeland” is now the intravenous tube being used to prop up the unwinnable ‘unwar’ against ‘terror’ that has now been given a final push towards domestication and the ultimate false flag terror event that will signal the necessary conditions for martial law to begin. Those drone attacks you’ve seen on the TV will be visible to the naked eye in the sky right above you – heading towards those of your neighbor who have been identified as “domestic terrorists.” Or maybe right towards you, if your isp has recorded your excessive attendance to sites on the internet identified as suspect by the ever vigilant National Security Task Force. But will those events exist if they are not reported, even though visible to the naked eye? No, they will not. The precession will be complete.
When all is said and done, it is perfectly clear that Amerika has indulged itself in an orgy of international gangsterism as it’s collective response to the event we call 9-11. It has also effectively bankrupted itself, economically and morally in so doing. Now, if 9-11 was a staged event,[it was] in which the media was complicit in simulating an attack on Amerika by outside forces[they were], are Amerikans as individuals free of blame for the subsequent bloodbath unleashed upon the world? I make no judgment here. I come only to observe and report: on the possibility that Amerikans have judged themselves.
“Captain May has always maintained that the torture at Guantanamo was really not ultimately directed at Arab terrorists; its real objective was to condition the U.S. military to accept torture and coercion to later use to intimidate regular U.S. citizens, especially during a martial law clamp down. It was part of a disturbing pattern to condition the American public to curtail dissent and submit to more authoritarian direction that included rubber bullets freely used against anti-Iraq war demonstrators, humiliating searches conducted at air ports, and confinement of demonstrators into “free speech zones” at national political conventions.
Capt. May’s second important point is that the ultimate goal of the Bush cabal was not only to negate the Constitution, but also to reverse the American Revolution. If permitted to fulfill its “dream sheet” agenda without any local opposition, the Bush cabal would convert American into a nation of needy, mind-controlled, peasant masses.”
This deep insight into the situation faced by Amerika at the end of 43’s second term is fatally flawed by one thing. The “Bush cabal” was not that at all – any more than a Punch and Judy show can be called “the Punch show.” That this is entirely lost upon Amerikans is the reason that they are unable to tether themselves, collectively, to any solid object that will stop the slid into oblivion. The faceless mask of terror all around them in the comforting form of the State is no longer being ‘hidden’ from view, but through direct implication via media injection, has subsumed the individual identities of Amerikans. It has made then not only seem complicit in the crimes that their soldiers and/or paid mercenaries commit in far off places, but to feel complicit, and to act out their guilt by agreeing to turn themselves into sacrificial victims of a forthcoming domestic holocaust. Every day millions and millions of supposedly ‘progressive’ Amerikans get exposed with their own eyes and ears to the fact that they are funding[and therefore supporting] a killing machine which is ultimately nothing more than a tool for some hegemonist monopolist maniacs to profit from – yet the voice of protest against this extraordinarily mis -utilization of their national assets is almost completely absent. For years, that was explained away as consequent on the fact that a “Bush” cabal that controlled the White House, the Senate, and Congress stood firmly in the way of progressive Amerikans reworking the agenda. Who could argue that now?
The beauty of imposing a controlled opposition candidate onto an electorate able to see with their own eyes that “the guvernment” is corrupt and dangerously adrift is that the assumption will always be that this candidate will be and act fundamentally in opposition to the excesses of the exposed corrupt powers. So skillfully is this fiction stoked and abetted that it matters not a whit when, once in power, the new guvernment is, and acts in complete accord with the agenda of the old one. No one sees the Emperor’s new clothes! Why? Because in Amerika, if ‘the media’ chooses not to announce a fact, that fact in fact does not exist as fact, irregardless whether it is plainly visible or not! How can this be?
“Everywhere socialization is measured by the exposure to media messages. Whoever is underexposed to the media is desocialized or virtually asocial. Everywhere information is thought to produce an accelerated circulation of meaning, a plus value of meaning homologous to the economic one that results from the accelerated rotation of capital. Information is thought to create communication, and even if the waste is enormous, a general consensus would have it that nevertheless, as a whole, there be an excess of meaning, which is redistributed in all the interstices of the social – just as consensus would have it that material production, despite its dysfunctions and irrationalities, opens onto an excess of wealth and social purpose. We are all complicitous in this myth. It is the alpha and omega of our modernity, without which the credibility of our social organization would collapse. Well, the fact is that it is collapsing, and for this very reason: because where we think that information produces meaning, the opposite occurs.” pg 55 Simulacra and Simulation
Baudrillard was absolutely correct. “Information devours its own content. It devours communication and the social…. Rather than creating communication, it exhausts itself in the act of staging communication. Rather than producing meaning, it exhausts itself in the staging of meaning.” In the age of advanced ‘communications’ meaning evacuates to be replaced by a simulation of reality directed by whomever is pulling the strings. And since everyone’s socialized identity is entirely contingent upon their ability to stay abreast of the latest vehicles of communication, the twitterings, the ’social networks’ etc, the absorption of meaning by content is in direct proportion to one’s media hipness – and that hipness in turn in directly inverse ratio to actual lived reality – one is aware, exclusively, of their awareness, which is content provider and information fused together into the perfect simulation of meaning – aka meaninglessness. “The real abolished.”
At first glance, it might seem possible for a society, for individuals within a society, to continue to exist within this meaningless irreality. Why not? Isn’t that what cyberspace is all about? Maybe. But irruptions of the real will continue irregardless of ‘cyber reality.’ If a society witlessly abandons all ties to tools of actual production, and to responsibility for acts which have meaning in real life context as they effect others, there is a limited time in which their ‘actual’ existence will be able to continue.[blue squirrels' 1st axiom of the cost of abandoning the real!]
Potential acknowlegement of this all too ‘real’ fact is avoided due to the apparent abundance of ‘information’ in circulation in Amerika – in an intensity and via a diversity of means never before seen. Information however, being counter to knowledge…that is to say, meaning, is not properly understood for what it is – the corrosive mechanism by which all are swept into complicity with the worst crimes of the madmen. Since all are ‘informed,’ none now can claim innocence; or redemption from the fires of retributive counter terror[to be clear, counter terror does not imply terror from outside Amerika, contrary to the now embedded default assumption] that will sweep into the void left by the retreat of meaning like a California canyon brush fire. How can several hundred thousand children go missing every year, or turn up as victims of snuff film rings, organized child prostitution, or satanic ritual abuse without people saying anything about it??? It’s out there, that information, whether or not easily available from the controlled media. Which brings us to another critical problem, and the mechanism by which the alternative channels of communication are used and using themselves to create an illusion of action, of activism, in an Amerika already stripped of the will and authority to actually[eg. not virtually] act.
“Thus the media are producers not of socialization, but of exactly the opposite, of the implosion of the social in the masses. And this is only the macroscopic extension of the implosion of meaning at the microscopic level of the sign.” pg 56 S&S
Although already effectively isolated, desocialized in fact, Amerikans continue, through their computers and peripheral devices to feel connected to a wider community, and therefore to a potential for social action. Great plans are hatched and discussed online for effective counter thrusts against the fascist powers. Reams of blogs, sites, portals and papers stuff the inboxes of Amerikans every day with a plethora of reportage and activist pleadings. How could there not be a means of effecting resistance?
“… all contents of meaning are absorbed in the only dominant form of the medium. Only the medium can make an event – whatever the contents, whether they are conformist or subversive. A serious problem for all counterinformation, pirate radios, antimedia, etc.” pg 56-57 S&S
That the paradigm has already shifted, the fact that ‘only the dominant form of the medium’ can make events “happen’ is lost upon all those who continue to treasure the myth of their potential to act upon events. Therefore they will continue to happily scribble away, voicing their protests in cyber reality while freely entering a bleak virtual prison not yet visible for what it is. Until the day that their plugs are pulled by the benevolent guardians of the social good/Ministry of Fear.
Amerika has entered its apotheosis – “a fearfully maintained utopia which is nonetheless viewed, consensually, as the only acceptable option open[ing] a dangerous door: to the spilling of blood to save blood; to the creation of disorder and destruction in order to maintain order and avoid destruction,” as Stephen Jones puts it. As the common consensus(that current of consensus which lurks underneath the topside ripples of discontent, the objective presence of dissent necessary to maintain the appearance of an opposition) of all Amerkicans has gradually been suborned through the campaign of domestic terror to support this projection of it’s own evil onto the innocents of the imperial periphery, all Amerikans have been successfully implicated/innoculated with the viral dependence on the spilling of blood for the maintenance of ‘homeland security.’ Note that this spilling of the blood of others takes place in special zones which have been successfully redefined by media so that instead of being ‘war zones’, they are special zones of ‘police action’ controlled by carefully defined &benign ‘consensus organizations’ like NATO, in which the violence which takes places is contextualized as the administrative maintenance of the sacrifices necessary for the continued security of the ‘homeland.’ “In a situation in which political processes proceed like administrative tasks, the dead become mere “collateral damage” – a discounted by-product that is no longer part of the “minimal utopia” to which the global world clings”(Jones-On leaving and being left)
Amerika, in it’s apotheosis has transformed itself into a virtual Tenochititlan: capital of the new/old Aztec/Ameriktech Empire and epicenter of the culture of blood sacrifice, an economy driven by the need for a continual search for new victims to be sacrificed for the maintenance of the favor of ‘the gods’/economic forces.
And when the Empires’ military might dwindles further, when it is no longer possible for it to maintain the foreign administrative outposts which process death and manage the drug pipelines, inevitably the circle of sacrifice will close in on itself, inside the empire, the consensus of shared guilt added on to the previous consensus of necessity for blood, so that it is acceptable for the new victims to be found from amongst it’s own citizens – “each challenge, each voice differing from the consensus – even if it is only symbolic and without military muscle – becoming an insufferable threat to the dimly held hope that it might yet, even in the face of impossible odds, be possible to expunge life’s calamities…. In this scenario hope dwindles but fear persists – like a man who has ceased to believe in God but who still fastidiously observes every religious ritual for fear of being condemned to Hell.”(On Leaving and Being Left Stephen H. Jones)
“But when everything is repressed, nothing is anymore. We are not far from this absolute point of repression where the stockpiles are themselves undone, where the stockpiles of phantasms collapse. The whole imaginary of the stockpile, of energy, and of what remains of it, comes to us from repression. When repression reaches a point of critical saturation where its presence is put in question, then energy will no longer be available to be liberated, spent, economized, produced: it is the concept of energy itself that will be volatilized of its own accord.” pg 96 S&S
There you have it. A completely coherent prediction of the manner in which Amerika would fall prey to the erosion of it’s ‘reality’ and ability to save itself from becoming a hollowed out simulation of itself, its’ citizens victims of a vast self imposed loss of innocence and subsequent purgatory in an orgy of blood sacrifice and self destruction. Need it have happened? Hard to say. Has it already happened? You be the judge!

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AND THAT WAS THAT. It still reads fresher than almost anything I see published these days. Because it is. Like most of my later sites, the vestigialvision one wouldn’t last long. The one below lasted a total of 10 days - before I was locked out of my own site administration and never got back in.
Sometimes I’m amazed that I just kept on going. Banned, blacklisted, besmirched.
Anyways, it’s over now. I did my part, I did not quit. And no one can say that they weren’t warned as to what the consequences of complicity in the crimes of kabbalist talmudism would be.