Back in the later years of the previous decade, whilst running a site somewhat presciently called GEOPOLITICS BEHIND THE MASK, I took it upon myself to instruct readers with a brief description of the phenomena by which many of the ‘IRISH’ families & dynasties we’ve come to love and REVERE…
turned out in fact to be scions of old Askenazi and/or Sephardic migrants to the Emerald Isles. The immediate necessity of that task was imposed by the Kavanaugh frat boy controversy - he being a classic example of the type passed off/passing themselves off as either ‘protestant’ or catholic’ whilst family skeletons rattled within closets, and old bones tossed and turned in hebrew cemeteries! But it wasn’t as if Bret were alone…
I described the pedigrees of other illustrious morons like John “Ketchup” Kerry as being of like origin. In fact, the phenomena is so COMMON… yet so seldom COMMENTED upon that it bears further fulmination! And what better time could there be to so do, than the moment when millions of other complete morons - christian or otherwise - pray fervently for the ascendance of their sanctified BOBBY JR to a leading role in the scam operatta that is POTUS 47 PRESENTS?
So… without further ado, I present to you…
the usual roster of unpleasant[?] TRUTHS which real history be replete with
LOS ANGELES (July 4, 2004) The Fourth International Conference on Diversity in Organisations and Nations hardly seems the place for a historical bombshell to fall about America’s famous Kennedy family. Organized by Australian academics, this year’s gathering in a leafy precinct of UCLA will bring together several hundred participants from all walks of life around the planet to present learned papers on themes ranging from Al Jazeera to Zee TV, from corporate diversity programs to Third World ethnic policy. Among the presenters is Donald Panther-Yates, a Georgia professor who owns a genetics consulting business and claims the Kennedy name in Ireland can be traced to Jewish ancestry in France.
The magazine Reform Judaism broke the story last fall that Sen. John Kerry, who has the same initials as the 35th president of the United States, had a Jewish paternal grandfather, Frederic Kerry, born in the tiny northeast Czech town of Horni Benesov as Fritz Kohn in 1873. Subsequently, a Czech historian traced Kerry’s lineage to the family of Rabbi Judah Loew (1525-1609), also known as the Maharal and creator of the Golem of Prague.
DNA testing and surname research, like politics, can produce some strange bedfellows, says Yates, who will conduct a workshop Tuesday on researching your ethnicity and mapping your family origins with DNA. Often the matches we find to a person’s genetic signature in world databases confirm oral traditions passed down in the family.
Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, for instance, told The Jewish Week in 1999 that though he was raised a Southern Baptist and later converted to Roman Catholicism, his father, Benjamin Kanne, an Orthodox Jewish lawyer and Democratic activist, was descended from a long line of rabbis, members of the priestly caste of Kohanim (Cohens).
DNA analyses have suggested that the Scottish Kennedys and their American descendents are likely of Sephardic Jewish ancestry from France, where their name was Canady. We propose their original name may have been Candiani — from Candy, the old name for the Turkish capital of Crete, says Panther-Yates. Genealogies of the Irish branch of Hyannisport, Massachusetts, do not go farther back than Patrick Kennedy, a prosperous farmer of Dunganstown, County Wexford, Ireland, who was born about 1785 and whose son emigrated to America. However, there is no reason to rule out a possible French origin before the family became Irish. Both Cassel (a sect of Clan Kennedy pointing to a region in southern France) and Canady appear on a list of refugee French Huguenots to Ireland.
Whatever the reasons for the above parties to disclose salient truths about the ‘CATHOLIC KENNEDYS’ I have only one motivation - to once again point out that the collusion of various criminal entities, crime families(biological or otherwise)state actors and foreign special interests has created their prized objective - THE TERROR STATE/STATE OF TERROR in which ALL westerlings are now immersed. What murkier mess of facts will need be sussed out to point to the similar antecedents of the puppet POTUS 47 himself I leave till another time.
I consider it however conclusive evidence of that same trajectory that a)Don has now indeed formally(but not publicly)joined the same fringe judaic cult as his daughter and son-in-law/controller b)the known presence of the sons of FRED TRIMPF at jewish summer camps c)his obvious veneration of all things ‘jewish’ shown from the outset of 2.0. But this is about his absorption/adoption/subsumption of a member of the revered CATHOLIC KENNEDYS into his CHABAD RELIGIO-RACIAL SUPREMACIST CULT AND CRIME SYNDICATE posing as the GOVERNMENT OF USA… so let’s stick with that!
The saintly nature of RFK Jr has always had a glower of tarnish to be wiped away - everyday - due to a past which boasts little peccadillos like HEROIN ADDICTION, the families penchant for SERIAL PHILANDERY, the absence of accountability of the kind important to a career politician… but leaving aside the ‘little stuf'f’ let’s see what ‘litters’ the timeline of the supposed ANTI VAX HERO who constantly proclaims himself PRO VACCINATION.
Now… I luvs me some fossils as much as the next guy… but if it were I who was searching out a ‘reason’ to be flying on the PEDO EXPRESS with by bud Jeff…
I’d probably have tried a different gambit than that one! Has about as much ‘traction’ as the story proffered by Jr’s very close friend Al Dershowitz… who, when given full proof of his presence at the Epstein |Villa for Underage Villainy|… could come up with nothing better than -”I kept my underwear on for the whole massage!” You gotta love these guys, yes? Katskills Komedians the bunch of em!
But now that we know that JFK Jr’s ‘Katskillian’ proclivity ‘runs in the family’… as a genetic bent towards concealment… ‘creative’ heraldry/heritage building… and general mixed up psychological profile perfect for a predator like Eppy to ‘utilize,’ it’s important to show that RFK Jr’s ‘faults’ … whatever they may be… are a family tradition rather than something he dreamed up on his own! When I show below, for instance, that RFK jr. is completely owned and operated by a controller from that same toxic Chabad cult which owns and operates Puppet 47, ]Shmuley Boteach in Jr’s case] you’ll be less disposed to dispute that claim when you digest this shot of his dad at an ‘audience’ he was forced to attend with the GRAND GHOUL and mosiach pretender Schneersohn. A kippah for every Kennedy you say? Looks that way!
On Sept. 3, 1964, shortly after announcing his intention to run for a U.S. Senate seat from New York, Robert F. Kennedy resigned as Attorney General of the United States. Later that month, Kennedy headed to 770 Eastern Parkway in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., to meet with the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. Kennedy’s entourage included, among others Democratic Party notables, former U.S. Rep. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. and former governor of New York Averell Harriman.
Far from being a mere photo op for Kennedy’s campaign, a substantive conversation was held, with the Rebbe advocating for the educational needs of the Jewish community and the youth of the country at large. The Rebbe highlighted a recent uptick of urban crime and the alarming delinquency of American youth, particularly the spike in drug abuse, and spoke of the need for a deeper, values-based education to stem the tide.
Noting the financial burden placed upon Jews and others who chose to send their children to religious schools, the Rebbe pressed Kennedy about the government providing financial aid to alleviate the burden on families sending their kids to private and parochial schools
So good of those guys to devote some time to looking out for the 5% or so of USA citizens who have the [self-imposed’ ‘burden’ of sending their kids to ‘religious schools’ of the kosher kind!
But let’s face it … Both Bobby’s were simply being ‘realists’… if you wish to become a political heavyweight in post-JFK USA, you will inevitably learn to bow n scrape to a group of ghouls who treat the people of USA like simpleton fools… and apparently for very good reason!
.Robert F. Kennedy Jr | Rabbi Shmuley Boteach | Fighting Antisemitism and Championing Israel
But even obligatory bowing and scaping ain’t ENOUGH anymore, for the ascendant jewish elite who rule their (second passport)nation with an ‘iron fist.’
Jimmy Carter created some permanence to the relationship, establishing an annual Education and Sharing Day in honor of the rebbe. Every president since has signed a statement for that day in honor of the rebbe’s birthday, statements that give insight into how each administration saw how its goals corresponded to the rebbe’s teachings.
I believed that the ideas grounding my film about RFK were universal. At its center is the story of how Kennedy, in the depths of his anguish over his brother’s death, accepted an invitation to attempt to summit the highest unclimbed peak in North America — newly re-named Mt. Kennedy after his brother. Although Kennedy, who was afflicted with a terrible fear of heights, had never mountain climbed, he nevertheless took on the ascent. With it came a near-biblical transformation that led to his visionary but ill-fated campaign for the presidency in 1968
Even though RFK Jr ‘towed the line’ to great degree, he must have screwed up somewheres along the way to the WH…. such that the devils he was in thrall to decided to ‘kill two birds’ with one MKULTRA’ stoned n mindcontrolled patsy ‘assassin’ … who had to be PALESTINIAN for as to rub the whole thing in the right way!
Don “never forget” (your place) J |Trimpf will be unlikely to screw up the same way.
.That is probably true of RFK Jr as well.
RFK Jr. Comes To The Defense Of... - Rabbi Shmuley ...
Facebook · Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
You showed the world that Candace Owens and piers morgan are antisemites. ??? Attacking the Lubavitcher Rebbe??? Candace Owens wants the world to know she is an ...
see how it works? Bobby the Limbo dancer has the physical dexterity of a pole-huggin gal workin a bikers bar. But it’s not sooo far… a stretch, to point to how it all began with a Kennedy running a seedy bar in Boston who gradually worked his way into the ranks of the Democrat machinery till his grandson could become a ‘legit’ liquor magnate with formal ties to both the Chi-town mob peddling Bronfman swill during Prohibition… and the blessings of BRITAINS distillery dynasts as well! All’s well that ends… well, maybe not so much huh? But it was good …while it lasted!
There’s so much more to say… and delve into … about the way USA politics has been deformed into a race to the bottom… and a ‘race’ of shabba goys/half caste cryptos shamelessly contributing to the demise of their once mighty Republic.
But really, it’s time to get out the barf bag… and release the toxic presence of the total sellouts who are being sanctified by morons who clearly deserve EXACTLY what’s coming to them… as soon as Donnie T gets the way cleared for the THIRD TEMPLE maniacs and the final destruction of the world as we knew it!
postscript: my story about Bret the Frat Boy Toy was entitled Craven Cavanaughs from Cavan(County). Given the details disclosed in the article posted at the top of this post, perhaps - “Candi-assed” Cretans Created A Mythical Leprechaun Link Close Inspection makes Stink! - works well for this outing! Whadda ya think?
oh… and STOCK DISCLAIMER: the production of material which can speciously be claimed ‘anti-semitic’ is now formally ‘forbidden’ in the new ‘noahide’ west. As such, it is incumbent upon those who dare such ‘offence’… in the name of legacy concepts such as ‘free speech’ … truth in media. etc., … to defend themselves from attack on those dubious grounds.
First and foremost - as any anti-zionist jew will tell ya - the critique of relio-racial supremacist thugs hiding under the rubric of ‘hebrew’ is a noble calling which merits praise rather than censure. Those who hijacked torah judaism replaced it with a simulacra they called ‘talmudism’ are pretenders not authentic practitioners of the Mosaic discourse. They occupy NO moral ground and have no standing in the matter of who gets called out as ‘anti-semitic’ since by definition most of them have less ‘semitic’ element in their dna than the populations that they regard with opprobrium - and rightly so, for they have more claim to ‘semite’ in their heritage than their ruthless oppressors.
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