FFS! The absolute LOWEST OF THE BOTTOM LOW of each previous day now… get’s lowered today, tomorrow… and seemingly every day thereafter! The HITS just keep on comin! Even when I wrote what I thought was a fairly ‘realistic’ appraisal of where things stood back in late November = with the subtitle BAD NEWS KEEPS GETTING BADDER! = it clear now I was suffering a surfeit of relative OPTIMISM… in retrospect!
given what’s gone down in the interim! So why today’s title?
Does it even matter anymore? Pointing out the OBVIOUS sure doesn’t work via textual strategies of communication! How bout we try some ‘graphical’ ones? Pretty sure it won’t make a speck o difference. But that sure is a revealing shot!
This is the BIG day. The confirmation of BOOBY JR. into HHS means the BRAKES can come fully off at last… on OPERATION WARPED SPEED 2.O.
And just in case YOU are not totally UP TO SPEED on what that means… in ‘real life terms’… this piece from AMERICAN THINKER does a good job of describing it - and saving me some valuable time:
Clear now? What you ‘give’ with one hand… you ‘take back’ with the other. Remember a few posts back,
when I was intent upon using some of the chapter headings from that wonderful C17th tome to elucidate the various swindles of the moment? It’s tough! Choosing which one applies to this particular scam?
“Pilfering green cloth by pretending to steal a goose!”
“Stealing silk with a Decoy Horse?”
Oh Man! “Handing over Silver before Running Off with It!” It’s a lock - that’s the one I gotta use for the BOBBY GETS IN follow up! It’s a LOCK!
How can ANY sentient person miss it??? DONNIE was/is/ever more shall be/ a
SALESMAN! Never stop closing.
But once the deal is ‘closed’…. That’s it! He just moves on, doesn’t know ya’s!
You wanna know what the new ‘noahide’ Merika is all about… read this:
Federal authorities indicted Cedric Lodge, Harvard’s morgue manager, in June 2023 on charges of stealing parts of donated cadavers including bones, brains and skin and shipping them to buyers through the mail.
“He was letting unauthorized strangers in, and he was dragging body parts out to his car with a license plate that said ‘Grim Reaper,’” Catalano said.
Clever disguise, that one!
Some crimes defy understanding," U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Gerard Karam said at the time.
Sure they do! But not that one dude. That’s an easy one. You and your fuck up progressivists are in the same line of business as Lovecraft’s protagonist from the famous story THE CASE OF CHARLES DEXTER WARD..(which I gave the reader a chance to peruse some posts previous.. with regards to Eppy’s ZORRO RANCH!)
If this was Merika… post [s]election -
the ‘progress’ since is fukkin phenomenal!
Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you-
Here am I floating 'round my tin can
Far above the moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do
Yup. As JONESTOWN 2.0 implacably approaches… you are gonna see BODIES… and BODY PARTS ‘flyin’ all o’er the place! But you know folks won’t notice a thing! Because, with the BOOBY thing done at last… the real dirty deal get’s ‘revealed’ … before the unseeing yeux of ye DOPES BEYOND HOPE!
Reboot' Revealed: Elon Musk's CEO-Dictator Playbook
In 2022, one of Peter Thiel's favorite thinkers envisioned a second Trump Administration in which the federal government would be run by a “CEO”
hOO knew? Hoo coulda seen that comin?
(viewer discretion advised: the “ending” is sickening!)
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