Rusyn’s Substack
Rusyn’s Substack
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Count Chocula Meets the Marx Bros

I'm starting this post with a nod to our furry friends upside down there in the picture. They're quite happy with being what we think of as upside down - but we wingless creatures probably prefer not to be put in such a position. Not that we have much choice in the matter; for longer than I would like to think we've been living in an inverted reality, where everything that was once upright has been turned upside down. My job as a forensic historian is to discover the who's and wise and when a house such an inverted reality we live in today came about.

If it didn't come about by accident plot spoiler it did not, then there have to be some movers and shakers who desired us to be living in an inverted reality world. It's bad enough these furry guys have suffered a bad rap over the past couple of decades as being the purpose behind pandemic-monium, but what really seems unfair, is that those who truly do live to suck our blood, or at least our vital spirits, have never been properly presented to us, as the evil doers they are.

With this post I hope to begin correcting that strange oversight peculiar to academia and journalism both, so that when the story of the collapse of the Western world does get written it won't be pinned upon small critters who would be happy to go about their own business and be left alone, but rather upon those whose business is to foreclose upon our birthright and deliver us to some endless purgatory as scapegoats for their own criminal character.

Why this should happen through disease, instead of war, is a matter of tactics; the strategy remains elimination of the enemy. Were that most easily accomplished through outright war - as Mrs Bauer put it "if my son's did not want war there would be no war" - then surely war would be upon us; the tactical decision to degrade the enemy... Before confronting them on the not a new or unusual one,

In this case, the degradation of the Western people, prior to their ultimate destruction, has been designed to take place through the vector of medicine and disease. Yet war it is indeed, waged by weapons invisible to the naked eye. Rather than using a microscope to discern and explain those hidden enemies, I seek to explain who creates and wiekds wheels such weapons,

“When, in 1934, Stalin had a Leningrad party boss killed–and then wept at the man’s funeral, railing at the enemies of Russia–a uniquely modern phenomenon, which I shall call state vendetta, was born. State vendetta is somewhere between conventional warfare and mafia violence. Where the narrow aim of the former is to suppress a specific enemy, and the indiscriminate aim of the latter is to terrorize all rivals, state vendetta is closer to ritual assassination. Blending secrecy with rumor, death with propaganda, the totalitarian chieftain or oligarchic group aims above all to manipulate public opinion, terrifying the populace into submission. The elimination of a specific opponent is never the issue.” — Andrei Navrozov

Telling the truth about who is behind the destruction of the West is not a gainful employment. In fact, it's not only a fruitless employment of one's time but a dangerous one. I say this in connection with not just yawhehists in general, but Sam Bronfman in specific; when you see the brief reference to Terrence Robertson below you'll cotton onto my meaning. Many decades ago Mr Robertson aspired to write a truthful account of Mr Sam's rise. But he didn't live to see the fruits of his labor, sadly sharing in common with far too many other writers and journalists the fate of a phony suicide diagnosis delivered by a quote unquote doctor whose prescription is cover up at all costs.

Some have succeeded, nevertheless, in bringing elements of the Bronfman story into the light. One of the ‘superstars’ of that small genre is Frank Parlato, who’s work bumps into many of the names which you’ll see on my posts and those of others who explore the unseemly interstices of DJT’s world.

Ghouls we have aplenty in this saga…. but as to DEFENDERS OF GHOULS… nobody tops AL PAL~ grow rich by torturing the truth, burying the evidence, exonerating the perps & excoriating the victims. Guy chose a life of crime… led on your dime~

Back to our storyline…. and some help from Jenny Lake -

Barbara Honegger is one of the “inside job” journalists who brought a fact to light about the prepared White House ‘memo’ recommending unwarranted wiretapping of Americans: the anthrax attack was pointed to as the primary cause for this illegal surveillance, and the memo recommendation draft was observed on October 4 –the same day Mr. Stevens infection was announced, and a day before his death. If true, the WashD.C. memo indicates that the attack was prepared, “in the chute”, and perhaps carefully timed. The strongest indicators that the Anthrax Attack was NOT what it seemed are the letters themselves.

All roads lead to 9-11 … and the months immediately following, as the point where a pre-conceived plan to strip USA citizens of their ‘liberties’… in return for some totally imaginary ‘securities’ was implemented. While not peripheral to this narrative, 9-11 is not the focus. The aftermath of that event is. Just like “covid 19” was the magic bullet which allowed for the amazing scam of an ‘experimental genetic therapy,’ totally unproven and untested being injected into literally billions of (former?)human beings…

so the spread of ‘anthrax’ through the mails was designed to allow for the mass fear and terror inculcated through the “towers” scam to be vectored into the ‘hearts and minds” of millions for whom their own mailbox has become a potential cause of death! Only an ALL POWERFUL GOVERNMENT and its MEDICAL SPECIALISTS could avert that terror. Only giving them carte blanche over one’s life could that hoped for aversion be accomplished!

But the anthrax hoax didn’t happen to come about ‘overnight’… in fact in was years in the making! The fact that the villain named in our lead off ‘Liquor Man” post was a Japanese scientist, rather than some Russian refugee resettled in Galilees and using his Soviet era expertise to create new weapons of terror … does not imply that the latter does not exist. The facts will show - eventually - that BOTH belong to an international cabal which transcends ethnicities in it’s membership… but work to 'terminate’ the existence of particular other ‘ethnicities’ all the while!

Having set my sights on penetrating the smokescreen of ‘falling towers’ and ‘dancing israelis’ so as to see what lay behind, I realized how occluded the role of this ‘UnHoly Land’ alliance of Soviet era scientists and judaic ethnic supremacists had been all the while! Twas time to ‘drill down’ into the business of TINY TERROR STATE BIOWEAPONRY!

No way to cover that story without understanding how penetrated the western satrapies were by agents of that same middle eastern terror statelet. The direct line leading back from yahwehist puppet DJT… through the Lansky Mafiya to Sam Bronfman is brilliantly outline by Whitney Webb.

With that digested, the reader is invited to move ahead to this reprise of the ‘the little program that could… and did… all out of sight of the unseeing eyes of western powers which had become puppets of the only power that matters anymore in this sad world of ours -

“Israel’s bio-weapons programs dates back to the earliest formation of the Zionist state. Dr. Avner Cohen documents Israel’s program in his paper, “Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control.” Cohen begins by describing how Zionists during the 1948 war poisoned the wells and water supplies of Arab villagers. According to Israeli military historian Dr. Uri Milstein, the typhoid epidemic that spread throughout the costal town of Acre in May 1948 was the result of Zionist Jews contaminating the Arabs’ water supply. In Gaza the Jews failed in a similar attempt. The Egyptian Army found four Jews disguised as Arabs near the water wells. The four terrorists were caught with a canteen filled with dysentery and typhoid bacteria. All four were tried, convicted, and hanged within a three-month period. Dr. Cohen questions if the two incidents were isolated or part of a larger program of bio-warfare during the 1948 war.

Israel’s bio-weapons facilities are located at the Israel Institute of Biological Research (IIBR) in Ness Ziona (also Nes Ziona, Nes Tona) a few miles southeast of Tel Aviv. In 1952 the IIBR consisted of a single building hidden in an orange grove. Today, the IIBR has grown into a massive 14-acre compound with several hundred employees surrounded by high walls and electronic sensors. What goes on behind those high walls is something Israel would prefer to be kept secret.

Dutch journalist Karel Knip has researched the IIBR and came up with some interesting findings. Knip began by going through medical literature he found on the Internet. Specifically, he focused on the papers of 140 scientists affiliated with IIBR over the last five decades. With the help of experts on chemical and biological weapons, Knip developed an overview of the various programs that exist at IIBR. Knip found IIBR research began in the 1950s involving plague, typhus, and rabies. Dr. Avner Cohen discusses Knip’s findings in his paper and states, “… a significant number of studies at IIBR focused on anti-livestock agents, following the path of other national BW [bio-weapons] programs at the time.” ‘Anti-livestock agents’ is Cohen’s cryptic reference to Israel’s anthrax programs.”

I’ve opened a considerable ‘dossier’ on where that program connects to players inside the governments of USA and the other satrapies of the power. It awaits further exploration after this chapter is completed.

What I want to do this outing is simply introduce the ‘international’ element of the syndicate. So that we can ‘make sense’ of the interlocking vision and execution of such disparate actors as Israel, UK, Japan… all supposed ‘partners’ of the other western powers… yet at the same time colluding in their destruction> what a tanged ‘web!’


“…scientists analysing the anthrax from the attacks are comparing its DNA with a library of strains collected from all over the world. And in this collection, what’s called “Ames” has more interesting origins. It emerged in the mid-1980s from a freezer at the Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research, the British biodefence establishment at Porton Down, Wiltshire.”


–The first bombing of the WTC

Once that piece is digested, it will be considerably easier to understand how(and why!)the ‘salesman/actor’ DJT can pass himself off as a guy looking after the interests of the USA… at the same time as actually looking after everything but! As but a puppet in a long line of puppet POTUS’es … going back at least as far a Johnson but most egregiously starting with Bush Two…

Don’s external ‘bosses’ play better as ‘enemies’ for the media sound bytes. But like Roy Cohn could manage to convince himself…. “I’m not gay, I just like sex with boys”…

so DJT can say with apparent honesty - I’m here to make America Great Again - while doing ‘everything in this power’ to see the sun set on it forever!

I really wanted to be writing about that knowledge which has come to my attention … about the incipient BIRD FLU TWO coming up soon, and the tech which will be used to get westerlings further on their way to complete dehumanization and degradation….

but I’m putting this part of the narrative ahead in the queue instead. Two reasons - one, it’s a known fact that no one will pay the slightest heed to the prescient warnings I’ve been making for fifteen years now; two, the job I’ve undertaken is to be a ‘historian’… and in ‘looking back’ in time, not ahead. For a couple of years late last decade I decided to to the latter, in my dispatches from the Near East. It was a waste of my time, I decided, What westerlings desire most is ‘entertainment’ … something to while away the remaining hours before Pompeii 2.0. And I’m definitely not here for that.

Let’s close out with a couple of hints at what up next for the next post.

Porton Down bioweapons center (CAMR) is privatized. Dr. Zsolt Harsanyi is president of Porton International Products. Harsanyi is a Hungarian associate and co-investor with George Soros who founds the pharmaceutical company Dynport and later in 2004 becomes a director of BioPort, as does Jerome Hauer.”

April, B’nai B’rith headquarters receives a package HOAX of anthrax. The material turns out to be Bacillus cereus, an anthrax ‘simulant’ also capable of causing serious disease … index.html

“During this period, the DEA was investigating the activities of Israeli organized crime. Israeli mobsters, along with the Russian Mafia, control the distribution of the drug Ecstasy in America. It should be noted there is no real difference between these two criminal organizations. It has been known for a long time that the Russian Mafia is made up of Russian Jews from the former Soviet Union. Questions still remain: Why were Israeli spies posing as art students interested in the activities of the DEA? What connection does the Mossad have with the Russian Mafia? The conclusion that best fits the known facts is that Israeli intelligence launched an operation against the DEA to protect their new intelligence asset, the Russian Mafia, from prosecution.”

“After September 11, the activities of Israeli art students were seen in a new light. The FBI began to investigate the trail left by the Arab hijackers and found many of them had residences in Florida. Interestingly, one third of the art student spies were also based in Florida. It was discovered that some of the Israeli art students had addresses in the same locations as the hijackers. One commentator said that, at times, they were just yards apart.” Thirdring's Blog - exploring the 2001 Anthrax Attack

Thanks as always to JENNIFER LAKE - the greatest investigative journalist the USA never knew it had!

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