Rusyn’s Substack
Rusyn’s Substack
Liquor Man
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -8:21

“In the words of Rabbi Arthur Herzberg, ‘The law had always been the enemy of the Jews; to circumvent it was often the only way to survive, and therefore to outfox authority was a praiseworthy act.’

We are going to cover some territory today preparatory to being at last able to dig into the FINAL CRIME SCENE I’ve been wanting to investigate for so long. What I hope to do here is to set the background for that investigation in sufficiently clear manner so as to make it possible that what will follow in the form of many posts - feeding off of this beginning segment - will all fit together in a coherent manner.

So while we start with the current moment of watching Agent Orange move jerkily about the stage in tandem with his back door buddies…. it’s simply like Alice, before she enters the Looking glass. Of course it's going to take much more than a rabbit in a hat to pull the nasty truth out of what we find down the wabbit whole which follows that leap into the world of creeps, carnie barkers and cabbalist criminals, however, circumstances of the moment have made it seem more possible than ever before.

What I'm referring to is indeed the fruition of hard work I've done for the past month or so, that being scanning the Western medias for both signs of active minds…

and the stage of devolution on the part of those many whose minds are no longer active at all. The latter - whether as to we are to best call them zombies, or simply retards, are most definitely in the majority in the Western satrapies, and seem extremely confused as to how and why the horrible fate they're beginning to see in front of them has come about.

To cut to the chase. What they are now beginning to see and indeed what I warned them would be the inevitable result of what they were cultivating… is that the Orange Puppet 47 will be driven to employ the resources remaining to the Republic exclusively to the benefit of Mad Men who wish to pull the world to and beyond the brink of catastrophe by making their turd temple project begin atop a hill sacred to those who called themselves Muslims, starting a nightmare conflagration come to life in the form of a millennialist wet dream.

A war so terrible, so devastating to the economies of those western countries already pummeled by phase one of the same project = the Kovid Kaper, that the West will indeed be destroyed. This is the the new Cyrus's mandate. The only mandate that matters to his controllers. Those dual citizen reprobates who the orange puppet has been instructed to surround himself with will oversee the theft of the last remaining resources belonging to the denizens of the Western world, their removal to the unholy land, followed by the destruction of the shell that is left, not only prophesized but designed and vigorously implemented for many decades; this plan to destroy the West could only come about in tandem with a plan to destroy the Minds of its victims, before the physical destruction which now ensues.

As a person looking in from afar on the side spectacle of that gradual but steady mental diminishment, I tried in many ways to find a brake which could be applied to that process. Nothing however, worked, primarily due to the insistence on the part of those same victims, to be allowed to maintain their rush off the cliff. And as they now teeter on the brink of that Cliff, tis not my purpose to offer either palliative care, or like so many others, false promise of a way out.

The ghoulish history of a foolish people, who gave away the greatest collective accumulation of wealth and comfort as has ever belonged to our species, is my sole task here. Why it's starts with the story of the LIQOUR MAN is due to both personal circumstance, and the extensive role which the Bronfmans have had in this deadly Project.

Family scion Sam was indeed the Man For Whom the LIQOUR MAN moniker was custom fitted = Bronfman meaning just that in Yiddish - and the intoxication of the Western body politic by he and his clan is a story worth telling. Now at last, seems I'm equipped to tell it.

Anyhow quite some time ago in the process of my learning to become an effective investigator and forensic historian I realized that history as we know it is deliberately distorted in order to present it as a continual panoply of Kings and Knights pirates and daring do, without ever coming close to telling exactly who pulled the strings behind it all. That's why though it may seem strange to start off our voyage of discovery with all this talk of hooch salesmen, the strangeness will recede as the story unfolds. The Great historians of the previous century who left their legacy - like Herald Innis among others- in the form of economics oriented scholarly dissertations on our past, pointed out the necessity of not just getting down to the nuts and bolts of what went on, but also who really turned the screws!

And now, as the screw turns on a Western world soon to itself become a mere footnote in his history, the importance of focusing upon thieves pederasts and pedophiles rather than the princes, ponces, and puppets who parade about all the better to disguise those more important guys, could not be more clear. While it's much easier to take a case like the Freak fronting as headman of Canuckistan, and demonstrate his obvious connections to both the criminal and deviant underworlds...

ultimately the same template will apply to those other fly guys in far-flung regions of the money power, including right at home in City of London. District of Columbia will prove equally worthy of the same considerations. As will it's various mythical Heroes.

That's why we'll be starting off after a nod towards the LIQUOR MAN, with another liquor man, indeed the rival of Sam! How we got from the point of departure... where-in a Boston barkeep weasel's his way into the wholesale liquor trade and then uses his illegally gotten loot to create a family Dynasty in the way of the Kennedy Clan is a story in itself. Which we will only touch upon here, having started the story a few posts ago =

but only to emphasize how our focused gaze must continue to remain on both the Medical and Criminal aspects of our storyline. All the more so since we have now officially entered the era of medical terror and terror states. A Fusion which bodes ill for the future of our species!

It’s a story I started to tell many years before. And many websites ago… all of which had to be jettisoned for one reason or another. The very last one - before my various substack iterations was this one…

where I was wont to make salient observations on the real agenda of AGENT ORANGE and the cabal which employed him… as a WMD against humanity. All to fall upon ‘deaf ears’ of course.


Picking up the trail again now this many years later I rely upon the help which I found so many years ago , in the form of the wonderful work of Jennifer Lake who has done, under the radar, more to disclose ugly facts aka truths that any other writer I know, yet to be extinguished!

The excepts you will read below, from her work, are designed to set the stage for what will branch off from this introduction, and to give a taste of those amazing connections which before this moment never seemed to ever get fleshed out. Literally, the most under-rated site on the internet!

Bronfman’s “partnership with the mighty and deeply respectable Scottish Distillers Company Limited [DCL] was his greatest single coup in the 1920s. It marked an enormously important step up the social, commercial, and financial ladder and was the key to the whole of his subsequent career …largely thanks to the association he forged with the Scots.. [Bronfman] emerged as the largest distiller in Canada” [p70, The Bronfmans, Rise and Fall of the House of Seagram, 2006] Bronfman’s “coup” with the Scots at DCL was a distinctive competitive victory for this obsessive “control freak” who angled out his rival Joe Kennedy. Faith’s admiring treatment of Mr. Sam ranks the animosity felt for Kennedy Sr. early, on page four: “The contrast comes over most clearly in the way Bronfman and Kennedy were regarded by the mighty Distillers Company..which dominated the Scotch business… Ronald Weir [wrote] in the official history of the company that ‘Kennedy was difficult to deal with, signing contracts and immediately challenging their interpretation… And whereas Bronfman was totally faithful to his beloved wife, Kennedy was the most notorious of sexual athletes –and it would have been unthinkable for Sam to have allowed his daughter to be lobotomized as did Joe Kennedy.’ ” Faith picks it back up to write that “While Bronfman was tarred through his associations with bootleggers, Kennedy’s far closer relationships lasted long enough for them to be put to good use in ensuring that Illinois voted for his son John in 1960.

Joe Kennedy appears to have been no more than a rival distributor with a Scotch DCL concession at a time when “the Bronfmans naturally concentrated on the much bigger American market… a permanent move..that, from a business point of view, largely removed them from the Canadian scene…[but] By the late 1920s much of the Bronfmans business was being transacted not in the United States but at Seagram’s new head office in Montreal..[where] Sam could rely on a handful of middlemen. The most important were Joseph Reinfeld and Lew of the more unappetizing characters in the whole story [who] was, in a way, the mirror image of Mr. Sam. [pp64-65] ..Before Repeal, Rosenstiel had acquired and built up the important firm of Schenley, raised..[by the] banking firm of Lehman Brothers… Mr. Sam bought a 20 percent stake in Schenley.” [p66]

‘Rosie’, as he was often known, was accused during divorce proceedings from his fourth wife of being the “organizer of parties at which J. Edgar Hoover could frolic in his favorite frocks..[with] boy prostitutes for the enjoyment of other guests like Roy Cohn. According to the fourth Mrs. Rosenstiel.. it was the blackmail potential of the conversations recorded on the microphones Rosenstiel..had installed throughout the house that allegedly explained Hoover’s refusal to pursue the Mafia. For it was at Lew’s place that Hoover met some of Rosenstiel’s business Frank Costello, Sam Giancana of Chicago, Santo Trafficante of Florida, Angelo Bruno..and Meyer Lansky, a close friend…” [p66]

It is said that governments do not give up their weapons unless and until they have better ones to replace them. What new weapon did they have in 1963? For certain, a Peace weapon –one that would go around the world. A polio vaccine. Stealing the people’s health and offering to sell it back to them bit by bit does not sound like a scheme invented by an economically depressed Communist state. Polio vaccines like Salk’s 3-shot injectibles were not suitable give-aways even for a rich nation, but in 1962, Albert Sabin’s oral drops were in their last stages of field trials –in, of all places, Cuba and the USSR. For the next decades to come, the Sabin OPV was the vaccine “diplomat” of choice. The Salk legacy was to move upwards and manifest as a New Frontier in a medical field being born as “metabiology”. There, the common interests of the Bronfmans, Lewis Strauss, and many others merged at the Salk Institute in San Diego. Sam’s son Edgar Bronfman became an anchor patron, founding funder and trustee. Lewis Strauss’s friend, Dr. Leo Szilard (a father of the Bomb), and other former Manhattan Project veterans, signed on as Fellows. For medical purposes, the Salk was to take on the challenges of what health physics called “combined injury” from radiation and chemicals; birth defects, gene mutations, neurological disease, cancer and AIDS. For metabiological purposes, well.. that’s another story. There’s still a lot left to this one.

Those four excerpts from Ms Lake’s incredible research archive cover the intended scope of this final stage of this Investigation with such precision and elegance that I can truly say without her to guide the way I could never have gotten this far. Jennifer you once got mad at me for begging you to speed things up,,, to which you quite rightly replied you were going to do things.. YOUR WAY, Or not at all.

All I can say in my defense, is that having finally found the mother lode, I could not contain myself, from begging for more of the really real deal research which you have consistently provided… in your own time and inimitable manner, All these years later, what can I say, save THANKS… and MORE PLEASE!

Thus ends part ONE OF THE FINAL PHASE OF MY 15 YEAR TREK TOWARDS THE HEART… OF THE REALLY REAL DIRTY DEAL THAT KILLED THE WORLD I CAME FROM. And gave me a ‘head start’ on being part of the world to come!

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