Apparently, it’s not yet occurred to anyone that’s living in the BENIGHTED STATES OF AMERICA that the mass exodus of Mejicanos & others of the ‘looting class’ now in progress at the southern border is NOT a sign of ‘great things to come’… but rather, the precursor to the moment when that previously porous ‘border’ place gets well n truly sealed… and NOBODY else gets out… ever again. At least not without the approval of the TOP DOWN authoritarian cabal now being positioned firmly in place.
While it’s surely not my job to change that state of non-recognition of the obvious, it’s probably a part of my schtick here to hint at the possibility. I’ve given a surfeit of ‘hints’ over the past 15 years - as to what was gonna go down… and now has - but as they’ve generally washed over folks without any recognition a’tal, I’m just gonna throw that one out there… and let it sink or float. Since most of Larry & Don’s spiel at the WH presser where the GREAT SWINDLE was formally announced last week involved allusion to a plethora of social control mechanisms ranging from the un-necessary to the outrageous, it’s not too much of a stretch to get right into the meat n taters part here … by referencing the work I gave ya’s a peek at last post.
The Book of Swindles (Piàn jīng 騙經), also known by its longer title, A New Book for Foiling Swindlers, Based on Worldly Experience (Jiānghú lìlǎn dùpiàn xīnshū 江湖歷覽杜騙新書)
For today’s post I’m using a couple of handy helpers in the form of other works that have been produced old and new; by old I'm referring to a book from apparently 17th century China which has been translated into English in modern times as THE BOOK OF SWINDLES. Below you'll see a screenshot with the contents of the various swindles on display - there's something so resonant about the current moment in time, and these titles, that I just had to make it part of the experience here for you today…. WAS THE WAY I PUT IT.
This is an age of deception. Con men ply the roadways. Bogus alchemists pretend to turn one piece of silver into three. Devious nuns entice young women into adultery. Sorcerers use charmed talismans for mind control and murder. A pair of dubious monks extorts money from a powerful official and then spends it on whoring. A rich student tries to bribe the chief examiner, only to hand his money to an imposter. A eunuch kidnaps boys and consumes their "essence" in an attempt to regrow his penis.
see what I mean? What part of that description is NOT applicable to the present moment? BOGUS ALCHEMISTS being the best description of the crypto con I’ve ever come across! And “Dubious Monk” has the ring of truth about it - when I think of |F-Elon and his pretend virtue. As far as ‘swindlers in office’ be concerned - please take note… I DON’T HAVE A DAWG IN THAT RACE… neither Repulsivan nor Demonrat impress me as having the slightest cred. What I’m concerned with here is covering the emergent machinations of those who obviously control all sides of the political spectrum. THIS C17th book is indeed MORE PERTINENT/TOPICAL to our times than 88% of stuff being published right NOW.
Isn't there something about ‘Stealing silk with a decoy horse’ that just forces you to wonder if this is some kind of Nostradamus-like sort of exercise or, you know, in a metaphorical sense predictive programming? Handing over silver before running off with it! Now I'm going to have to delve into some of these section titles = explore what their deeper meaning in relation to our time and place. Get down with = Using broom handles to play a joke on sedan bearers - hey I'm up for it! I'm going to try to get the whole group of categories to conform to current scams of which there is such an abundance that I think it will be no problem trying to fit each one into its correspondent part of the puzzle, Pilfering green cloth by pretending to steal a goose! Can you top that one?
But by ‘scrying’ the present landscape of larceny and intentional fraud in the political dimension using this ancient text, I’m not trying to provide ‘comic relief’ from the insanity and horror of it all. In fact, my mission is more in line with ILLUMINATING the Horror of ALL that is to COME> as the agenda gets placed further on display, by it’s originators. Who sit comfortably in the knowledge that their intended victims still HAVE NO CLUE even after attending upon the clear evidence of the plot against them!
That’s WHY the very delayed news of ROBERT PICKTON’S DEMISE which reached me only yesterday is such a BIG DEAL. Other authors will deal with a pick n choose menu of small horrors which cannot amplify into the true SCOPE OF TERROR which the world is about to lay upon ye’s…
If for some reason you be not familiar with the Port Coquitlam Horror Palace story…
is an excellent choice; it allows the curious to go as deep, or cursory as one wishes.
The HOUSE OF HORRORS that was PICKTON FARM is the only true lens through which to view the scene being laid out for the BENIGHTED STATES OF AMERICA. And I’m starting to view this exercise as one of those MULTI-PART SERIALS I used to place on the substack space and elsewhere, in my ROGUE FACTION iteration. This is indeed a ‘gold mine’ of shiny nuggets of sheer terror and madness.
Do not skip this lil ‘auxiliary audio insert’ if’n you want to understand just what I mean!
So what does feeding folks to pigs and grinding up their remains to sell as ‘meat patties’ have to do with …. Stargate/Trumpf 2.0? You really wanna know… stay tuned - I’m going to go to work on some stuff that’s been on hold for about 18 months.
A lot of peeps who were hanging their (last)hopes on DJT somehow proving to be a real 'enemy’ of the swamp and of the ‘jabbalists’ who infest it… have now switched their forlorn faith to the guy who we know and love as RJF Jr. Tis downright amazing to see the degree of sanctification going on with a guy who clearly has more in common with Uncle Ted than with the man who put him to bed, and then read him stories!
Let’s be clear about this; there’s no denying the guy’s ‘sincerity.’ He’s a sincere man cursed with a degree of ‘djinn-ness’ that degrades every one of his ‘good’ impulses into something bordering on the opposite. Some will call it the Curse of the Kennedy’s… I prefer to just name it a consequence of Dad and his Bro having taken on a power altogether too big … for a mere POTUS and leader of the western world to take on. They lost… bigly. And perforce… so did we.
Sincere the guy is. And folks is the worse for it!
I want to close this seance with a couple of quotes from a very insightful party who has looked at the LOVECRAFT oeuvre from the perspective of ‘philosophy’ Weird Realism: Lovecraft and Philosophy by Graham Harman
”By “sincerity” I do not mean that artworks need be prudish or morally upright, simply that they must be engrossing. The brother Jason in Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury is one of the most repugnant cynics in world literature, yet he fascinates us for precisely this reason.”
It clear that - just like DJT - RFK is ‘engrossing.’ That’s how these psychopaths gain such control over the minds of their victims. One more quote from the author -
The same holds for Sade’s criminal libertine friends in the 120 Days of Sodom and Sartre’s joyless Roquentin in Nausea. Sincerity means that a character or object is truly wrapped up in being what it is, and it becomes of interest to us for precisely this reason. If in our normal dealings with the world we use things hazily as bland instruments of our will, a thing is marked by sincerity when it seems to exhibit a genuine inner life of its own. Yet in this way a certain gap is still created between the thing and its accessibility, and hence Lovecraft’s unease before indescribable objects display the aesthetic rift in its most explicit form.
Maybe that helps for as to see where I’m going with this. Maybe not. At any rate, I’m done with this … for the moment. Next outing… let’s get busy with “Decoys and Geese”… and more stuff of the moment!
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