I’ve come up with a ‘precis’ to kick things off on this post:
“The ascendance of evil over us is kept in place by the insistence of well-meaning men on it being their right and duty to impose the limitations of their own imaginations and intelligence onto the whole field of investigators, including those whose superior skills would have long ago made it possible to penetrate the vast web of corruption and complicity which cements the system in place.”
The reason I like it is that I’m convinced it will be absolutely necessary to achieve any positive resolution to this war we are in as human beings, to throw off the shackles of pretending to sort ‘FACT’ from ‘FICTION’ … and then get down to the business of accepting the intricate intermingling of the two as just another ‘modality’ of our investigations here. I have referenced in previous posts to the tools I believe available to us in order work through the complexities of that ‘intermingling.’ And I’m prepared to indeed plunge on -solo- if necessary, in using them.
But somehow I always imagined, from the very start of this \hejira\ of some 15 years now, that it would be a ‘collegium’ of souls that would come together for purposes of solving ‘the Crime to End All Crimes.’ And I like what my ‘imagination’ delivers me. Even if the lag time between conception and appearance in this dimension is ‘frikkin slow!’
Here’s billygoat on what looks to be one of his ‘better days’ with sidekick & ‘xenotransplantationist" BORIS NICOLIC
same guy with his other boss
and… where this is all going - of course -
Dr Moreau of course was a ‘fictional’ take on “xenotransplantation” - but BORIS is the ‘real deal!’
Just like Fletcher Prouty - the first guy to start talking about ‘the Deep State’ was the
real deal!
In 1955 Prouty was assigned to coordinate operations between the USAAF and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). For the next nine years he worked for the Pentagon. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-61), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Special Operations (1962-63)
“Nobody from the cited personalities is precise enough on that entire topic.."
quite true, yet also.... one needs read 'deeper' into the descriptions, in order to understand the "coding" which scientificism uses to mask it's affairs. They have bred a predilection into use to accept and use THEIR terms, taking at 'face value' what in fact are "bi-valent"(you may recognise the 'root' there in the more common "ambivalent!) meanings deliberated posed to assume control of the 'territory' - take for example...
the presence of that word "Chimera" the the corona landscape - for purposes of 'biology' we accept it's meaning as "having parts of different origins. In medicine, refers to a person, organ, or tissue that contains cells with different genes than the rest of the person, organ, or tissue"... yet this is cunningly duplicitous in it's usage. It refers itself back to the original term - a fire-breathing she-monster in Greek mythology having a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.
Now, here's the moneyshot quote from Felgner - the guy who made it possible for Malone to produce functional mRNA.
"The whole world of possibilities opened up to you right away. And the reason is, is because it solved a tremendous problem. Because everybody was trying to encapsulate the nucleic acid into the traditional liposomes and it just was not practical to do that. But here, suddenly everything became practical. We call it an extemporaneous mixture. You can take any gene you want, and you can mix it up, and you get what you're looking for."
Keep in mind, this was in 1984. They've been able to to a shat load of stuff since then with "gene therapy" but somehow we sweep right up to 2019 or so and all those supposedly new techniques start coming out. Because they've been creating 'chimeras' all this time, but lacked a mass 'delivery vehicle' till the KovidKaper was a 'go.' There's a great danger in applying to much 'mechanistic' thinking and jargon to this business of 'nanobots' and what not, because in essence these things - to the extent that they 'exist' - are being used as a smoke screen for the actual application of the very thing that the so-called "myths" are about!
And that's what's in peoples bodies right now. I wonder if anyone looked up that term - xenotransplantationist I supplied above - and then gave it a bit of thought>
things are way way more advanced(as in - worse)than we've been led to believe. Way worse.
WELL… I was going to leave off here with a youtube vid introducing you to the next ‘level’ in our cast of ghouls… but it’s age restricted so I don’t know how to get around that for presentation purposes
you can just type KURU GURU into the search bar on tube you and you’ll find it and figure it out for yourself. Consider it ‘homework’ for our next ‘session!’
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