Prologue: In getting ready to pursue the theme initiated here back in OCTOBER - THE PLANNED SUB-HUMANISATION of Westerners now in progress
- necessary details of which the ‘post-election’ circumstance now will emphasize & corroborate - eg.,
Jewish Insider’s Marc Rod reports
I’ve had to do one of those periodic ‘reality checks’ which I find important to staying ‘on target’ instead of straying too far from ‘the really real.’ Calibrating the point of balance between paranoia and giving credence to any of the purported realities one encounters when looking in on the western medias is a work ongoing. Oscillating between the two poles - a naive acceptance of everything being written as reflective of actual ‘events’ … or dismissing the entirety of information emanating from that quarter as pure disinfo - means having to dig down into the various strands of media coverage to see if anything resembling “journalism” still exists in the fallen lands of the west.
What do I mean by “journalism?” Oh, perhaps something that would give incisive expression to the meaning of that progression of insolent, in your face takeover from the beginning of Chabad’s creep into the halls power during the reign of the amnesiac victim Reagan, then into the ‘office of power’ during the Phony Pharoah’s tenure,
to the point of becoming masters of the place…
tiil finally,
Nothing says “silent, creeping takeover” like having a PET POTUS.
And Nothing about the past three decades or so has given me any reason to doubt the wisdom of Claude Steiner’s maxim from way back in the 1960’s =
“Paranoia is a state of heightened awareness. Most people are persecuted beyond
their wildest delusions."
and to therefore employ it as a guide in dealing with the circumstances of daily life in what would seem to be be an era of ‘post-reality’ - where most ‘events’ are staged and whoever is interpreting them falls into some category of ‘agitator,’ ‘dis-info agent’ and/or duplicitous character pushing hidden agendas.
With all that said, it’s still important to do these checks now and again, so as to determine whether one’s level of useful ‘paranoia’ has started to melt into a kind of idee fixe that everyone around you are either up to no good, or are victims of those who are. Even though it would take a certain level of cretinism at this point to actually believe that the COVID vaccine gambit was benign in design and helpful in execution, there’s still room for questioning whether the level of deceit implicit to that ‘project’ necessitates looking for a ‘master planner’ behind it all - or if instead it’s a toxic mix of arrogance, ignorance & greed which led to the tragic mass sickening only beginning to show it’s fatal scope.
-end of prologue
All indications from my ongoing studies of the roots of the modern condition as a ‘forensic historian’ are that the evidence of ‘master planners’ is indeed abundant… to those who chose to see it. And hidden in plain sight of those who do not.
Along with all the maladies & infirmities of aging come some slender benefits - if you want to see them that way. I do choose to see the access I enjoyed as a youth to the ‘television programming’ of the day as a major benefit to my later ability to negotiate a path through the ‘wilderness of mirrors which the world would become, before my dotage! The really remarkable thing about those old shows was the way that they would reference the personas & events of an age far in the future.
Youthful imagination is variously stunted, recast as hollow projection, or grafted onto pedogeological mind control in the educational systems of the wester world. Getting out ‘alive’ with one’s full ‘imaginalist’ toolkit intact is the key to being ‘fit’ for survival. I need choose only one example of the treasures which were at out disposal in boomer days - this SUPERCAR poster from the early 1960s has all the ‘fixins’ for the whole filthy ‘taco’ which the citizen/serfs of the dead REPUBLIC just consumed November 5th.
As the cast of GHOULS which the GOLEM TRUMPF assembles now at WARPED SPEED takes on a shape frightening similar to a DREAM TEAM of KABBALIST TALMUDIST all stars with wrecking bars - soon to go to work on what’s left still standing in the west…
some of the perps will seem familiar… to those in the know… others may be a stretch.
How few of us are left to remember “MITCH THE MONKEY” - our brave pilot’s ‘co-pilot/sidekick? How bout the “Doc”… always ‘tinkering’ in the lab to come up with something new for the show? How bout that ‘eminence grease’… always at hand to ‘whisper’ in the ear of the puppet POTUS?
Ralph Wiggins? That’s a ‘wild card’ folks. We’ll have to wait and see where that goes!
For this particular phase of the ongoing ‘forensic investigation’ which I began some 16 years back - the basic premise of which I started laying out in April, via the cycle of stories which supposed that the two eclipses of this year would prove harbingers of mighty - and malevolent - change,
the topic which drew my attention the most was the true nature & purpose of this ‘BIOTECHNOLOGY’ field now all the rage among ‘investors’ and the scientific community.
It was only when I stumbled upon the connecting link between the supposedly benign ‘medical advancements of ‘biotechnology’ and the equally occluded aim of the Epstein entity which I’d devoted much time to exploring to previously that I began to regard my ‘hunch’ about the sinister truth as yet another example of the ‘heightened awareness’ benefits of that ‘paranoia’ which has served me so well along the way!
That ‘link’ was in the form of a guy named Boris - the subject of this story -
and the UNDER-PUBLICIZED fact of his having been both BILL GATES choice of scientific advisor AND Jeffrey Epstein’s choice for executor of his estate! The presence of a guy who moved in such dark circles gave extra emphasis to my ‘paranoiac’ suspicions as to what his specialty of ‘xeno-transplantation’ was all about!
Since we’ve ‘known’ for at least a couple of years that the ‘covid vaccines’ were uniformly effective only in creating bodily harms that hadn’t existed in those who took the shots…
COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts, Study Finds
Radiology Tests Detect Myocardial Damage in Covid-vaccinated persons
it’s no leap at all to put Bill -”Mr. Vaccines” Gates himself … together on a perp list with Jeffrey “Mr. Kompromat “ Epstein and then let the flow chart ‘ooze out’ from that central nexus into various ripples of complicity … to where we can catch up on “current” events that have the same ‘undercurrent’ of evil as is evidenced in this occult ritual activity involving a fringe chasidic cult of jews whose main claim
to fame appears to be in their messianic devotion to a deceased cult leader that they somehow expect will ‘return’ from the grave to lead them in a final war upon the “unclean husks”" (Klipot or Kelipot) which he taught them to regard us as. The first Rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch dynasty Shneur Zalman of Lyady taught that
"Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Their material abundance derives from supernal refuse. Indeed, they themselves derive from refuse, which is why they are more numerous than the Jews, as the pieces of chaff outnumber the kernels. . . .
All Jews were innately good, all gentiles innately evil. Jews were the pinnacle of creation and served the Creator, gentiles its nadir and worshiped the heavenly hosts."
Though the content of that invidious screed is somewhat ‘troubling’ in and of itself…
the fact that the man supposedly returning to the office of POTUS in the coming year IS A MEMBER OF THE MANIACAL CULT himself - and do not let them fool you for a minute that the guy appears in that revealing video as a “guest” of the Chabad weirdos - should be VERY TROUBLING to those who believed that they were electing someone with THEIR interests to heart.
The DON IS RETURNING to finish the work he started in the first term - when he unleashed the WARPED SPEED EXPERIMENTAL GENE ‘THERAPY’ upon ye’s - and can be depended upon to COMPLETELY DESTROY THE USA this time round … or at least that element of it which the kabbalist kooks of his CHABAD CULT consider to be their mortal enemies - and sacrificial victims! And that happens to be the major part of those who live in the USA.
With a lineup like this -
I’ll let Mike from NATURAL NEWS sum up the rest of the cast of ghouls who will be running the Great Drumpf MIGA MACHINE which will take down the REPUBLIC ONCE & FOR ALL:
There’s Mike Waltz, touted by Trump’s social media site Truth Social as an “expert on the threats posed by China, Russia, Iran and global terrorism”.
Waltz, who is going to be Trump’s national security adviser, told Fox News in September that a ceasefire and hostage release deal would not end the conflict. “Iran will continue to stoke unrest because they want to destroy Israel,” he said. “Making concession after concession to Iran is actually what is destabilising the situation.”
Waltz is a dedicated enemy of ceasefires. So, too, is Vivek Ramaswamy, who along with Elon Musk will lead a “Department of Government Efficiency”.
Ramaswamy said: “I have full confidence that if left unrestrained, the [Israeli army] will be able to get the job done on defending Israel.”
There’s Trump’s ambassador to Israel, Christian evangelist Mike Huckabee. There are certain words the forthcoming US ambassador refuses to use: “There is no such thing as a West Bank. It’s Judea and Samaria. There’s no such thing as a settlement. They’re communities, they’re neighbourhoods, they’re cities. There is no such thing as occupation,” he told CNN in 2017.
There is Pete Hegseth, who told Fox News: “I think this is a moment for the Israeli government, not the US government, to take action against Iran to prevent an Iranian bomb. The West has said forever that we cannot have Iran, the mullahs with a nuclear shield … Imagine what the region and the world would look like. Israel has already done a lot of covert things to push them back, assassinating, hacking into their facilities, damaging their centrifuges. They are going to do more of that, because clearly this administration is not going to.”
That is the designate secretary of defence speaking.
For the most important job of US secretary of state, Trump has selected Marco Rubio, who wrote after his last trip to Israel (his fourth one): “Israel’s enemies are also our enemies. The Iranian regime and its proxies - Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and a multitude of groups in Syria and Iraq - seek Israel’s destruction as part of a multi-stage plan to dominate the Middle East and destabilize the West.
…is being sold to ya’s as …
this - a steady trajectory of definite DOWNWARDS DECLINE… but’s ‘all’s fine!’ Just
‘take your medicine kids!’ And once that process of “hybridization/sub-humanization” I initiated discussion of here
makes it’s mark pon you - or your children - YOU won’t be too interested in these weighty political themes no more!
Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick for Commerce secretary>
Will the light finally dawn for ya’s when LARRY FINK gets the nod for SECRETARY OF TREASURY? he he heh… don’t worry… LARRY doesn’t really want the job - he prefers that one of his understudies takes it. And don’t worry THE GUY DRUMPF PICKS will definitely be reporting to FINK!
Sounds like a ‘trifecta’ of terror don’t it? But the truth is worse… much worse than that which has been revealed so far.
So many of the ‘philanthropists’ who’s [stolen[ bucks put DRUMPF back in the (passenger’s)seat are ‘consumers’ of ‘products’ which don’t exactly appear in the inventories of pharmacies or health food shoppes. They are the folks who believe that they’ve “earned” the right to steer clear of aging & even death. The kind of folks who Epstein appealed to as his ‘natural’ audience.
I’ve given you some clues about their agenda for YOU… in previous posts about the ROTHBLATT ENTITY and he/she/it’s ‘pig farm’ plans… but the ‘flip side’ of that is their own future forecast… not just, ya see, ‘uploading their minds’ into the ‘cloud’… but actually achieving physical ‘immortality’ itself. Which requires, as it turns out… mucho contributions from you ‘unclean shells’ …
in the form of bodily components which - ( guess they figure they can “clean” em up enough for use ) they must consume in order to cheat aging and death!
Oh well. If you’re not really big on the pig heart and subhuman role… I guess you can opt for the “choppe shoppe” thingy! But one way or the other…
they gonna git ya goy!
I know… I know… sounds “paranoid” don’t it!
WELL… in truth… I’ve hardly even got started with the details of the ‘bad news’ bro! But this has turned into a longish episode… and I’ve sworn to ‘tighten up’ the posts. So I need to sign off here and let you take what I’ve placed on the FINAL audio component of this outing as your cue to where this is going.
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